Monday 20 May 2019


Friday was a Exciting and Special day. We had a trip to Star dome here is a few pictures of some of the stuff we learned. 

This first picture is a astronaut well mostly the costume. 

This second picture is about the sizes of the planets at the left side on the middle is Earth!

This Last picture is the ground of Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune. we cant live in this planets because their grounds arent rocky. 


  1. kia ora, my name is phoenix from rooom 24 I really liked your blog post about stardome trip.Make sure to write about what you guys did there when i got there it was fun a shiny also I fell asleep in the movie room.What is your favorite planet make sure to check my blog at

    Blog you later phoenix

  2. Hi Phoenix, Thanks for commenting on my blog. My Favorite planet is Neptune! I love the fabulous blue.


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